12.Pahela Baishakh (পহেলা বৈশাখ)
12.Pahela Baishakh(পহেলা বৈশাখ) (a)Which day is called pahela Baishakh? (b)Why do people celebrate the day? (c)What do people do on […]
11. Independence Day (স্বাধীনতা দিবস)
11. Independence Day(স্বাধীনতা দিবস) (A) Which day is our independence day and our biggest state festival? (B) How is the […]
10. The Statue of Liberty
10. The Statue of Liberty (a) where is the statue of liberty situated? (b) What does it symbolize? (c) What […]
9.The World Mother Language Day (বিশ্ব মাতৃভাষা দিবস)
9. The World Mother Language Day (বিশ্ব মাতৃভাষা দিবস) (a)What does the Holy Quran say about the mother tongue? (b) […]
8. Mother’s Day(মা দিবস)
8. Mother’s Day(মা দিবস) (a) What is Mother’s day (b) Where was the first Mother’s day announced as a formal […]
7. May Day(মে দিবস)
7. May Day(মে দিবস) (a) What is May Day? (b) How and why is it observed? (c) What is the […]
6. Leisure Activities / Pastime (অবসরের কার্যক্রম)
6. Leisure Activities / Pastime (অবসরের কার্যক্রম) (a )What is a pastime? (b) What is the importance of pastime? (c) […]
5. Pastimes in Urban and Rural Areas (শহুরে এবং গ্রামীণ অঞ্চলে সময় ব্যয়)
5. Pastimes in Urban and Rural Areas (শহুরে এবং গ্রামীণ অঞ্চলে সময় ব্যয়) (a)Why are Pastimes necessary? (b) What types […]
4. Changing trends of Pastimes (বিনোদন সময় প্রবণতা পরিবর্তন)
4. Changing trends of Pastimes (বিনোদন সময় প্রবণতা পরিবর্তন) (a)How do pastimes change in the modern age? (b)What types of […]
3. Outdoor pastimes VS Indoor pastimes (বহিরঙ্গন বিনোদন)
3. Outdoor pastimes VS Indoor pastimes (বহিরঙ্গন বিনোদন) (a) What do you mean by outdoor pastimes? (b) What do you […]